Pregnant Molly Fish: A complete Guide to Care and Behavior

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The molly fish that we will be examining today is actually one of the most popular and well known and high quality species of freshwater aquarium fish. It is famous and admired for its various vibrant colors, peaceful nature and charming life. Observing a pregnant molly fish can be a wonderful and exciting experience, but it also requires special care for its health and well-being to maintain optimal health.

 Our today’s article will try to help you in taking care of pregnant molly fish, observing, giving complete details, checking the stages, understanding the symptoms and different stress. You will be enriched with information by focusing this article and if you are in fish business, these information, observations and experiences, ideas and beliefs will be useful for you.

What does a pregnant molly fish look like?

The first step in recognizing the identity of pregnant molly fish is to observe physical development and recognize the various alternating behavioral changes. A big belly molly fish pregnant is one of the most noticeable signs that she is pregnant, the abdomen becomes larger and rounder as it usually forms inside the fry. A sign of this is that a dark attractive spot usually occurs near the fin, which people call black molly fish pregnant or golden molly fish pregnant.

How Can You Tell If a Molly Fish Is Pregnant?

To assess or determine if our molly fish is pregnant or not, try these molly fish pregnant signs and understand:

• If the fish is pregnant, its belly will be visibly distended.

• There will be a noticeable gravity spot (usually especially in light colored varieties).

• Changes in the behavior of the fish become predictable, such as hiding or becoming less active.

You may also have various questions which are usually how can I tell if my molly fish is pregnant or how to tell if a molly fish is pregnant which are common among new aquarists. You can easily identify it by observing its various behaviors and physically revising. By this means we recognize female molly fish pregnant.

How long is a molly fish pregnant?

Generally, this fish pregnancy is usually expected within 20 to 40 days. It is highly influenced by various factors like water temperature and stress level. Factors such as period affect the period significantly. If you also think how many days molly fish pregnant, count it four weeks because it’s not much time. When you see a fish with obvious abdominal pain and bloating, it’s time to do a thorough diagnosis.

Stages of pregnant molly fish

Pregnancy progresses in different ways and causes:

1.Early stage: A clear and prominent area of ​​gravity appears and the abdomen begins to distend.

2. Mid-gestation: At this time the abdomen becomes more pronounced, at which time the fish engages itself in separate activities or isolation.

3.Final Stage: The abdomen appears to be square when viewed from the front and is a clear and complete assurance that the fish is about to give birth.

It is very important to examine and recognize these pregnant molly fish stages in order to help you fully and effectively prepare for the fry.

Pregnant Molly Fish Behavior

Anticipation of behavioral changes and abdominal swelling is another important sign of pregnancy. Pregnant molly fish behavior includes that:

• Involves hiding in plants or decorations.

• Appetite decreases at this time

• It is common to have tremors or anxiety (pregnant molly fish shaking).

If you notice pregnant molly fish shaking or unusual, unexpected shaking, this is usually a sign of some kind of stress or impending labor Or additionally improve the temperature.

How to take care of Pregnant Molly Fish

For a healthy pregnancy, it is very important that the care should be fully ensured. Read some important and basic points carefully:

1.Separate tank: Try to ensure the use of a breeding box or separate tank to ensure that the fry are protected from food.

2.Hiding Places: Add plants and decorations to reduce stress.

3.Optimum diet: Try to emphasize in their diet routine to ensure complete foods like shrimp, pellets and proteins.

If you ensure proper care of them, it will greatly increase the survival rate of both mother and fry.

Specific types of pregnant radish fish

There are different types of molly fish, each with unique characteristics:

Black Balloon Molly Fish Pregnant: Noticeable attraction and a concentrated area of gravity and a balloon-like belly occur, clearly indicating that this molly fish is currently pregnant.

Gold Dust Molly Fish Pregnant: With a rounded belly becomes vibrant golden in color and can be easily identified.

Panda Molly Fish Pregnant:  Black and white coloration which is usually a sign of pregnant fish.

Each type requires equal care to ensure optimum performance of the pregnancy but identifying certain traits that provide complete support, guidance and support in health monitoring.

A pregnant mollyfish gives birth

During labor and suffering, your pregnant molly fish becomes restless and appears isolated. The fry are born alive and usually number about 20 to 100. After hatching, it is best to keep the fry in a separate tank to prevent predation.

Signs of a Pregnant Molefish Approaching Birth

Important signs of imminent labor include:

1. A square-shaped belly begins to protrude.

2. Kim starts swimming.

3. Frequent hiding starts.

Knowing these signs of pregnant molly fish of a pregnant mollyfish will help you find a safe place to fry it whole.

Common problems and solutions

Pregnant mollusk dieback: Stress, poor water quality, or prolonged labor can cause death, severely damaging the pregnancy.

Shaking pregnant mollyfish: Shaking, showing stress and looking lethargic is a clear sign that it is suffering from health problems. Adequate tank conditions should be ensured and closely monitored so that no alarming situation arises.


Did you know that taking care of a pregnant molly fish optimally can be a useful and effective beneficial experience, which will organize you into different ideas and beliefs. Care during pregnancy, healthy environment, how to ensure optimal pregnancy guidelines. All the details of all these, you can successfully take care of them by reading our article.


1.How Do You Know When a Molly Fish Is Pregnant?

When you look at the full appearance of it swelling, instead of gravitating, you have to see its various activities and shifting changes. Because these are the reliable indicators that fully point towards her being pregnant.

2. How Do Molly Fish Get Pregnant?

Male moles usually fertilize the female internally. So she gets pregnant.

3. How Long Do Molly Fish Stay Pregnant?

During pregnancy, she is usually pregnant for 20 to 40 days and then gives birth to a litter of 20 to 100 eggs.

4. Do Molly Fish Hide When Pregnant?

Yes, it hides for its own protection, usually in the last month.

5. What to Do If My Molly Fish Is Pregnant But Not Giving Birth?

You should thoroughly check the water conditions and try to reduce the pressure completely. Prolonged labor which also causes or indicates many health problems for this fish.

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